How do I import old course material to a new course?


1. In the My Courses page find the class you want to import (you will be importing from the old course)


2. Scroll down to the Administration box and click on Edit settings


3. Highlight the Course full name and copy


4. Go back to My courses and open the new course from the list (the course you are importing to)


5. Go to Administration and Click Import 


6. Place your cursor in the search field and paste what you just copied in the ‘import from’ class (this way you are SURE you are importing from the correct class) click Search


7. Click the radial button next to the course you're importing from and click Continue


8. Check or uncheck the fields you need
(if you are only importing quizzes or assignments you'd only need to check mark Include activities and resources) when done click Next


9. Un-select News Forum (the new class already has one) and anything else you don’t want to import (the old syllabus… etc.). Scroll down and click Next


10. On the next screen you will get a visual confirmation of what you are importing (or not). Scroll down and click Perform import


11. The import make take a moment (Moodle gives you a visual of how much time this will take). When done, you’ll get a message saying 'Import complete'. Click continue to return to the course.


*Here is short video explaining this process. 

  • Last Updated Jul 21, 2022
  • Views 374
  • Answered By Laura Andrade

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Comments (3)

  1. Great and very EASY. Thank you.
    by Rik Ichiho on Aug 06, 2020
  2. Thanks! Very helpful
    by Becky OV on Dec 02, 2020
  3. I use this reference EVERY year.
    by Rik Ichiho on Aug 08, 2024