How do I import grade items to the Moodle Gradebook?
First export from the gradebook (so you'll have your students columns and a grade column)
Save as .csv (Excel file that accepts comma separated values)
Add your new column of grades to the .csv file (including the name of the graded item i.e., Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.)
Save the .csv file
1. In Moodle, click on Grades
2. Click on Import and choose the .csv file you saved with the new grades added
3. Click on the file and open it
4. You'll see the file you chose to the right of the Browse button, click Upload this file (you'll see the file listed below Choose a file)
5. Click Upload grades
You'll see a preview of 10 users
In the Identify user by box:
1. Map from: Email address
2. Map to: Email address
In the grade item mappings box:
1. Scroll down to the bottom and find the graded items you just added to the .csv file
2. Click on the down arrow next to Ignore and choose New grade item
3. When all of your new grade items are chosen click Upload grades
Hopefully you get an "Upload successful message"
Click on Categories and Items, then scroll to the bottom of Setup to find your newly added grade items
If you need to move them into a Category, you can move them on of two ways:
1. Click the Select box to the very right of the item, then choose Move selected item to the category you want it in
2. This is a way to move one thing at a time to the exact spot you want to see it on the page
(this is handy if things get out of order)
Click the up/down arrow icon of the grade item you want to move
You'll be presented with a series of dotted boxes
Once you click a dotted box the grade item is moved to that space