How do I navigate within Moodle?


Moodle is organized as a web page per course, with a front greeting page. There are generally three columns on a page; the left and right columns generally offer automatically-generated information, with the large middle column used for the course content prepared by your instructor. When the browser cursor hovers over something clickable, you will often see an informative box pop up to confirm what clicking there will perform.

You enter a course by finding its listing at the left of the screen, under My Courses, and clicking on the name. If you do not see your course listed, ask your instructor if they have made the class available to students. If you add a class late, there may be a delay of 24 hours. Also, some cross-listed courses may appear under a different name.

Your browser's forward and back buttons will often work fine, unless you try to resume a form submission. There is a locator sequence (breadcrumb trail) near the top left part of your screen, which begins with Poet Moodle (i.e. the Moodle front page). Any part of this sequence is clickable to get you back to an earlier page.

When you are finished, please click on Logout and, if you want to hide your username from the next user of that browser, exit the browser.


  • Last Updated Apr 18, 2022
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Laura Andrade

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